Team Goals

Mercer Island Select Baseball is designed to be a developmental program, but played and practiced at a higher level of competition.

  • Cultivate a love of baseball (for everyone)

  • Develop physical and mental baseball skills

  • Build connection with the team and other players

OLD PAGE - Program Overview

Team Structure

How teams are formed

  • Each year, we host try-outs in the summer for the upcoming year

  • Every player must try-out, and is assigned to a team by the MISB.

  • More information on try-outs here, on the “Try-Outs” page

Age levels offered

We currently have teams at each of these age levels: 8U (2nd grade), 9U (3rd grade), 10U (4th grade), 11U (5th grade), 12U (6th grade).

Select age is different than Little League age. Select age largely goes by grade. As a rule, MISB does not have players “play up” or “play down” outside their grade level unless there is a specific need to form teams.

See try-outs page (here) and Little League + Select FAQ section (here) for more detail on these topics.

Team types

We typically have two teams of 11 to 12 players at each age level, but can have one or three depending on participation. Each team requires a commitment to select baseball and their teammates (see pledge below).

Players who are selected for higher tier teams may request to join lower tiers teams for a variety of reasons, for example, because of level of commitment or team chemistry. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Maroon Team

This is our most competitive level of play, for players serious about committing and prioritizing baseball.

  • Player composition: Typically the top performing and competitive players in their age level. However, some adjustments may be made by coaches and MISB program to consider other factors such as depth at specific positions, team chemistry, and the level of player development needed.

  • Playing time: This is a competitive team, so players will start to specialize in positions and, particularly in tournaments, players may not have equal playing time. Unlike Little League, MI Select Baseball is a select program designed to provide our most capable players with the opportunity to compete successfully at the highest level possible. Coaches will focus on player development in practice, but in games, playing time at specific positions will be based on relative ability and fielding the strongest competitive team.

  • Travel and expenses: You can expect travel for an average of five (?) tournaments per season and potentially extra training than the averages in the travel and expenses sections below.

  • Time commitment: Could be more than listed below, and could expect that baseball is prioritized year-round, over other sports.

White Team

This team is still competitive, for players interested in development and high level of play, but with slightly less time commitment to travel and training.

  • Player composition: Typically the next tier of skilled, committed players interested in development toward competitive play. This team will spend more time on skills building and repetition than Maroon.

  • Playing time: This typically focuses on development, so for at least the beginning of the season, you can expect more equal playing time. As the season progresses, this team may take on more competition and playing time may be uneven. Individual White team players may be asked to play in specific Maroon team games if an opportunity arises.

  • Travel and expenses: This team will travel for an average of two (?) tournaments per season, and focus on local games within an hour of MI, with skill-matched teams instead. Expenses should be on-par with the averages below.

  • Time commitment: Consistent with the averages below. Multi-sport athletes are encouraged and this team is more flexible to working through conflicts.

Silver Team

This team is an entry-level team, for both players and families. It focuses on skill-building to be able to make the Maroon or White level next year, and less competitive play and time commitment, particularly during the regular season.

  • Player composition: Players that have not played baseball before and have not yet developed fundamental skills of baseball. In order to fill dedicated Silver teams, these teams may be mixed age (no more than a span of 3 years together). We can have mixed age teams for this team tier because they are not going to play in league games.

  • Playing time: This team will have fewer games, with other developmental teams, and they will not be league games. Because of this, players can expect equal playing time in the games they have. Individual Silver players may be asked to participate in specific White team games if an opportunity arises.

  • Travel and expenses: This team will likely not travel. They may do more development training with external programs, and have slightly higher expenses than the average below.

  • Time commitment: Consistent with the averages below. Multi-sport athletes are encouraged and this team is more flexible to working through conflicts.

Team Schedule and Time Commitment

Below is a guideline of what to expect, but may vary by team based upon need, as well as collective team interest.


This is an introductory period for the team to begin to get to know each other, and the individual teams determine training and schedule. It’s usually about three hours per week. An example of what this might look like:

  • Player practice one to two times per week

  • External training with a professional, external program, one to two times per week

  • Weekend scrimmage games once per month

  • Family team building activities (one or two events)

  • One MISB community event


This is the primary development time period, and an area MISB will be investing in this year. There will still be some team variation. Expect about 10 hours per week. An example of what this might look like:

  • Indoor development training with a professional, external program. Two to three times per week.

  • Additional team practice or development training focus based on the team’s need. One time per week.

  • One MISB community event.


This is the primary season of play, where it is expected that baseball takes precedence over other sports or activities. The Select commitment is actually less in the spring, because of the required Little League participation. Below, we are capturing both the MISB and MI Little League schedule, as all Select Baseball players are required to play Little League. Overall, the player commitment is up to 15 hours per week.

  • Select team practice, once per week on Friday

  • Little league team practice, one to two times per week, Monday- Thursday (depends on whether they combine batting + field)

  • Select team games, one to two times per week on Sunday (if twice, it’s a double-header in one day).

  • Little league games, one to two per week on weekdays or Saturday


The Spring season for MISB typically ends Memorial Day Weekend.

Summer is an optional participation of play, when many families have other priorities and plans. Some players take a break from baseball (!!!), some play in Little League All Stars, while others choose to participate in camps and development programs.

MISB will share opportunities for local external camps and development programs at the end of the Spring Season.

Some teams may choose to continue to play summer ball, and that schedule may look like the Fall above.

Estimated Expenses

MISB is run by a non-profit, Mercer Island Boys and Girls Club, and all costs are pass-through only. Here are the average expenses for the entire year, that will vary by team:

  • Uniforms ($200 to $400)

  • Program fees for field rental from the City of Mercer Island, tournament entry, umpire/ officiating staff, and maintenance ($600 to $800)

  • External fall and winter training programs ($500 to $2000)

Coaching Approach

Our program has a mix of paid and volunteer coaches. This year, we will begin having regular coach meetings to share learning and best practices, as well as gather feedback from coaches.

We also maintain standards for our coaching. Below, we’ve listed our coach selection criteria and in the conduct section, our “Coaches’ Code of Conduct”

Coach selection criteria

Coaches are selected by the MISB program staff with the input of the Select Working Group. The committee will use information from the application, general knowledge, and past experiences to make their decisions. 

  • Coaching experience:  Previous head coach experience in any youth sport.

  • Baseball coaching experience: Assistant or head, number of years, level of play, tournament experience.

  • Organization and time management: Must be able to organize and plan a practice, pre-game routine, pitching rotations, etc.  Also must have the personal time available for the various scheduling demands that coaching requires.

  • Baseball knowledge: The candidate understands the rules and strategies of baseball at their respective age level.

  • Player development: Candidates should be able to develop all players in regards to baseball fundamentals and sportsmanship. 

Development Approach

Mercer Island Select Baseball all trains with a development partner that can deliver consistent quality and age-appropriate development. Teams are able to do development beyond the MISB program if they choose.

(insert focus areas of development program we choose, how it will flex per age group/ team)

Want more information?

There’s more on this website! Other places to check out:

  • About us (mission, program team, coaching team, parent working group)

  • Try outs information page

  • FAQs

  • Additional resources

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